Before your acupuncture session
•Please make sure that you are not hungry or overly full when coming in for your treatments. Doing so could result in lightheadedness, nausea or other discomfort during treatment. This is rare and is easily avoided by eating normal, light meals within a few hours of your treatments.
• Before your appointment or when you arrive please use the toilet even if you don’t think you have to. Acupuncture treatments can stimulate your kidneys and bladder, and you definitely don’t want to suddenly need to “Go” after all the needles are in place.
• Try to wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing to your appointment.
• Don’t drink caffeinated drinks (coffee, tea, energy drinks, etc) for at least 3 hours before your visits.
After your acupuncture session
•Try to avoid eating heavy and greasy meals, use drugs of any kind or drink alcohol for at least 6 hours after your acupuncture treatments.
• After your treatments, you’re going to want to relax as much as possible. It’s important to give your body a chance to fully integrate the treatment so don’t plan on going to they gym or doing any kind of strenuous exercise. Best case scenario, try to arrange the treatments for when you’ll have at least a few hours to go home and relax.